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3 Reasons Buyers Should Attend Their Home Inspection

1. Your inspector can explain issues in person once the initial inspection has been made. Your inspector will write you a detailed report on the condition of the home, which can be a bit overwhelming. Talk with your inspector to better understand the difference between normal wear and issues that should be of concern to a buyer.

2. Get to know your home. Most buyers don’t have a chance for a detailed examination of the home before putting in an offer. Inspectors are trained to help you see areas of the home you might otherwise miss. Your inspector can also show you where the shut-off valves for gas and water and the electrical panel are located. 3. You can ask questions about anything you are concerned about. If you have a specific question, let your inspector know. And what if you can’t be present? Talk to your inspector after you receive the report. Your inspector will discuss the findings and help you understand the condition of the home.


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